As we all know, there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” recipe capable of killing all weeds on a property, no matter the season. An effective program of fertilization and lawn treatments in Great Falls, VA, has to consider the property’s needs on a seasonal or annual basis. In addition, there is no weed out there lacking a specific survival strategy. In other words, we cannot eliminate them because they have different life cycles and reproduction methods. Their seeds can lay dormant for years before germination, surviving drought, fire, and even chemical applications. It does not mean, however, that we cannot get rid of most of them. Today, our experts in lawn treatments in Great Falls, VA, are here to discuss pre-emergent weed control!
Category: Articles
Early Fall Landscaping in Potomac VA: Top Activities to Consider
Fall is a good season for gardening and landscaping activities that will benefit your property during the cold season and spring. However, while the temperatures are still excellent, you want to make a few preparations here and there to enhance your landscape’s health, beauty, and resilience. Today, our professionals in landscaping in Potomac, VA, are here to provide you with some guidelines and hints on early fall landscape activities to make sure you enjoy a thriving yard next year.
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Lawn Treatments Potomac VA Experts on Using Fallen Leaves this Year
Fallen leaves can become problematic for landscapes rich in trees, ornamentals, shrubs, hedges, and other plants that lose foliage this time of year. What can you do with so many dead plant material, knowing that you cannot leave it there to rot on the ground? Moist leaves can entertain mold and fungi, diseases, rot, and pests. On the other hand, collecting fallen leaves and throwing them away is a waste of a rich organic vegetal resource. Today, our lawn treatments service provider in Potomac, VA, is here to offer you a few tips on how to use fall leaves.
Landscaping Great Falls VA Pros Recommend These 3 Privacy Hedges and Trees
When you plan a landscape design or a landscape upgrade, privacy is a factor to consider. You may already have some hedges, but if you want more shielding from curious eyes and a vegetal backdrop to border or compartmentalize your property, privacy plants need to find their way into your project. Our landscaping Great Falls, VA, service providers are here to tell you about three privacy shrubs and trees you could introduce into your landscape.
Worried about Invasive Plants? Get the Best Lawn Treatments in Potomac VA
A common issue among homeowners is getting rid of weeds and other invasive plants. However, the problem with the latter is that most of them do not look like weeds at all; they behave like ones. Moreover, the definitions differ in a few key points. Invasive plants come from somewhere else, introduced into an environment to which they do not belong and in which they don’t evolve naturally. For this reason, if you find invasive plants in your landscape, you should know they don’t have natural enemies to limit their spreading. For this reason, you need expert lawn treatments in Potomac, VA, to get rid of them. Our fertilization and weed control experts are here to tell you a few things about invasive plants, so you know what to do if you see them on your property.
Do You Want Around-the-tree Landscaping in McLean, VA? Here’s What to Know!
Mature trees are a wonder for any property, bringing shade and beauty to a residential landscape for years to come. They bring shade, privacy, accent, texture, color, and scent no matter where they are. Moreover, they help sustain the micro-ecosystem living on your property and the environment as a whole. Unfortunately, however, the ground around tree trunks is usually barren, and most homeowners neglect it. From the thirsty tree roots drawing up all the water to the heavy branches preventing light from reaching the soil, the areas around the trees are not a landscape’s forte. Fortunately, our experts in landscaping in McLean, VA, are here to give you some tips to turn those empty, sad spots into colorful and textured landscape elements, all the while protecting the trees’ health.
Do You Need Lawn Treatments in McLean VA against Noxious Weeds?
Most lawns and gardens are now in the bit of a struggle against summer weeds threatening to take up space and resources. Luckily, with our experts in lawn treatments in McLean, VA, your gorgeous grasses, flowers, and plants will fare just fine. However, the problem of noxious weeds is quite important, especially for those who travel long distances in areas with intense agriculture and horticulture activity. We say this because you could carry back some seeds unknowingly, and it might become a severe issue if you don’t pay attention to them. So let’s discuss today a few things about noxious weeds!
Why Embrace Rock Landscaping in Great Falls, VA?
Landscaping with rocks is a well-established trend that gains more followers as the years pass. Adding rocks, stones, pavers, or boulders to property does so much more than cutting down the maintenance costs associated with lawn care. Rocks add interest, contrast, depth, and a sense of rustic charm to small and large yards alike. So if you have an interest in some landscape redesign and upgrade this year, let’s talk about rock landscaping in Great Falls, VA! Our technicians are here today to tell you why stone is probably the best material to work with to refresh your yard this year!
Our Lawn Treatments McLean VA Experts Answer Your Questions on Dandelion Control
Dandelion control is one of the hardest tasks homeowners have to engage in to prevent the spreading of these weeds. The ones who gave up on their turfs for xeriscaping principles, turning their yards into weed lawns, don’t have any problems with dandelions (or clover). Such weeds grow and spread with little to no maintenance. But those who want their lush, green lawns untouched by the yellow weeds need professional interventions. Our experts in lawn treatments in McLean, VA, are here today to discuss a few aspects concerning this broadleaf weed that can take over a lawn in the blink of an eye.
How to Deal with a Water-Clogged Lawn: Tips from Our Lawn Care Potomac VA Experts
If your lawn turns into a pond after each storm or the soil turns into a squishy mudslide, it is clear that your yard has some drainage issues. In late spring and early summer, rain is more frequent, and the soil risks forming clay areas. Nevertheless, other factors contributing to water clogging include the flatness of your property, heavy foot traffic, clay soil, and extremely low lawn spots. Before you allow water clogging to ruin your yard this season and damage your grasses and plants, talk to our lawn care Potomac VA experts. They can give you a hand with this problem, which, fortunately, is solvable! Let’s see what you can do!